Guest Feature by Mrs. Katie Hunt
We as humans are always defining our life and productivity on a scale of time. We want stores and services available 24/7, age is marked by years, efficiency is all about doing more, faster. Yet we also tell ourselves to stop and smell the roses, slow and steady wins the race. So, which is it?
Celebrating almost 90 years of joyful living, I have gradually recognized that aspects of life, even the simple parts, have their own cycles. If I take just breakfast for example, how different it has evolved over the years.
I remember growing up, it was whiplash affair with mama bustling around the kitchen serving all 8 of us in one go. Every morning, it was a large pot of old-fashioned oatmeal cooked to perfection, along with toast and milk for all the kids before school. We would all sit around a large, round table, chattering away. Mama had plenty of housework to do, so usually left the pots and pans for us kids to wash after we got home from school.
During my married years, it was my turn to prepare breakfast for my four children. I would wake up at 5am and breakfast would on the table by 6am. It was always a big breakfast: bacon and eggs, toast, hot cereal of either old-fashioned oatmeal or cream of wheat, milk and orange juice. Coffee was my own sustenance. The kids and their dad would sit at the table while I served and took care of everything.
Here and there, over the last thirty years, I’ve managed breakfast for myself with simple toast with jam and coffee while light piano notes would melodiously drift into the kitchen from my morning students. And now, even though the mind is sharp and quick, the limbs may be slightly less cooperative, and my breakfast routine has settled into a peaceful 45 minutes.
A peaceful routine still has its rhythm. In the kitchen, I go to the refrigerator first. Out comes the bread, butter, egg, jelly, milk, apple sauce, and cranberry juice. Not all at once of course. I have to be careful. Each item is carried diligently over to the counter and placed in an orderly manner. Then, I walk over to the cabinet and take out the oatmeal, instant coffee, sweet & low, and also place carefully together on the counter. I pour myself a glass of water and take my daily vitamins.
Taking a look at all the ingredients at hand. I thoughtfully conduct an orchestra of the next few tasks. Everything must coordinate and I have it timed to the tee. It is time for my breakfast dance. I pour a mug of water and heat in the microwave for two minutes — getting that instant coffee ready is a priority. While the microwave hums and rotates, I turn to the stovetop. On one side, I start a pot of water for the eggs, on another, I heat the iron skillet to toast the bread. Then back to the counter I go as the microwave dings. I switch out the hot mug with a bowl of oatmeal. In that goes for a minute and a half. Meanwhile, I add a general scoop of instant coffee, stir thoroughly, and take a wonderful sip of the fragrant coffee. Tranquilly, I close my eyes to let the familiar sounds of the kitchen surround me.
A whiff of just crispy bread tickles my nose and I shuffle back to the stovetop. Flip the bread and then check on the eggs. I like them just right, slightly more than soft-boiled. As the other side of the bread transforms into the crinkly crispness of toast, I turn off the fire. The toast is quickly lifted from the heat onto a plate, which I carry back to the counter. I put a generous amount of jelly on it and enjoy the sweet jam and toast along with the hot cereal. Once I finish that, the eggs are just ready. I turn back to the stovetop, take out the eggs and gingerly peel them without burning my fingers. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper — delicious and warm!
Now that my little peaceful breakfast is done, I tidy up by replacing items back into the fridge and cabinets. The dishes are washed and dried. I take my time and look around to check that everything is clean and back in their rightful places, ready for the next meal. With a satisfactory nod, I do a happy clap and the breakfast sonata concludes. Another morning well done, I can allow myself a little rest before the piano lessons start.