Slutty brownies? Are those even a thing anymore? We baked so much in college. I didn’t even like baking (or dessert that much), but it was always so fun to bake together, me as your sous-chef. Just one of our typical excuses to procrastinate and not do school work. Slutty brownies, we made for Valentine’s Day during our Singles’ year and that was probably one of my favorite Valentine’s Days. Girls’ Night In on February 14 our junior year, to celebrate friendship (and lament that all boys sucked). Cookie dough on the bottom, Oreos in the middle, and brownie mix on top. The warm and soft, melty-ness of this dessert was the definition of a heart attack. Which, at least, helped sooth our otherwise frustrated, heartbroken hearts.
You made mostly everything from scratch, which I thought was pretty amazing, especially with my limited baking skills. Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, frosting — all of them always started with a ton of sugar, butter, the mixer, and then volia, a few hours later, it became a delicious dessert. Your Guinness cupcakes were spectacular, with the chocolate ganache pumped into the center of the cupcake. And they were also decorated so prettily. The one thing you were never frugal on in terms of spending was baking. Baking ingredients/supplies aren’t cheap! We called it procrasti-baking.
[We made up the term procrasti-baking because it made perfect sense and was descriptive. We procrastinated by baking. However, we inadvertently discovered the dangers of saying it when we tried to explain to Father George, at a Catholic social event, what we liked to do in our free time. “Procrasti-baking! It’s so much fun and is an excellent reason to not study. We do it together in the kitchen and then invite our friends.” We realized later after the strange awkwardness that Father George didn’t understand that we made up a word to explain our baking pastime to procrastinate on school work and probably thought we were saying something else.]
We talked about you opening up a bakery, in a semi-joking manner. I don’t think you were actually into the idea of selling your baked goods for money. It was certainly more satisfying to bake the desserts, and then share and give away to our friends. Anyways, there was a time that we tried to come up with names for your said bakery — Catherine’s Corner was what I suggested. I still think it has a cute ring to it. But you didn’t like it. Catherine’s Cupcakes was way too boring. I feel like the other name was some obscure word / language use / made-up as well, and that would also have been typical of us.